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Frequently Asked Questions

I am currently editing this page to make finding answers as easy as possible.  I will be adding more answers soon. 

In the mean time,  feel free to utilize the search icon on the right, or click on each category and scroll the questions. 

Click on the question to see the answer.

 If you did not find the answer to your question please message me!  I will be happy to answer you!

  • What makes your services unique?
    As a full-service professional, I am here to serve my clients the best way I can. This means I offer my services in the comfort of your home. Most of my clients have small children who are easiest to care for and entertain in their own home. My consultations are offered in your home (or over coffee if you want to get away for a little break). I also have a mobile studio which means for your session, I bring eveything I need to provide service in your home. The preview and ordering appointment can be done in your home (or over coffee) and I always arrange to deliver your final product to your door so you don't have to juggle another appointment. Other benefits of my services are being able to see your home and suggest products that will compliment your style and space. Ioffer custom design services as well. During the consultation, I can photograph your walls and use those images to design a custom wall displays. That way you can fall in love with the images on your walls before you order them!
  • Do you have a studio?
    In order to best serve my clients, I work on location. Many of my maternity and family clients have young children which can be difficult to entertain in a professional environment for long periods of time. Not to mention new Mom's deserve the comfort of their own home after just giving birth. They need to rest and recover. I do my best take the pain out of the session and bring my services to you!
  • How long have you been taking Professional Photographs?
    This is a hard question to answer. By definition there are 3 levels of photographers. However this has nothing to do with technical skill. It has more to do with compensation. It really doesn't make sense, as a shoot and burn hobbyist can work full time, but has not mastered lighting, or photoshop. Some photographers have no idea how to produce and sell products their clients need, which leaves their clients to do the work. So really "Professional" is left up to the client to decide. You can read the definitions below and decide for yourself where I fit into this spectrum. 1. Hobbyist Also known as a shoot and burn in the photography world. The hobbyist just works on weekends or after their day job. Not yet earning enough to file or pay taxes. Does not typically offer a variety of products. Images are delivered digitally leaving their clients to handle the rest. 2. Amateur - Amateures have not yet gone full time. They have at least 1 other part time job. They have some knowledge of lighting and can follow through with some product lines. They file and pay taxes and insurance. 3. Professional - The definition of a Professional Photographer is someone who earns 100% of their income from their photography work. If we are going by the standard which is based on time and compensations, I achieved "Professional" status in 2020 after the loss of the family member I was caring for. It seems bitter sweet, as I can now fully focus on doing what I love. However I was blessed to care for my family member for years, even if she held me back in my career! #dementiasucks If we go by technical skills, I acheived professional status much earlier, but had time limitations due to caring for my loved one. My personal feelings are that I have been a "Professional" for many years. I have a good foundation in natural light, studio light, photoshop and offer a full product line. However, I also believe that you should never stop growing and learning. I am constantly learning and growing and expanding my knowledge to better serve my clients.
  • Can you take photographs at night or in dark situations?
    Yes. Part of being a professional is being able to tackle most situations and create beautiful light. I carry a variety of lighting sources, and other top quality equipment to give my clients great results no matter the time of day or how dimly lit their home is. I can use lights indoors or outdoors as seen in the photo below.
  • How soon should I book my session?
    To be sure I have availability, I recommend scheduling your consultation 4-6 weeks before your desired session date. Around 28 weeks for maternity and newborn sessions. My calendar does fill up and I don't often have availability for short notification appointments. To schedule your complimentary in-person consultation, click here
  • What do your sessions cost?
    Pricing varies on the type of session and the products you choose. You can find session fees under the specific session type you would like. Sessions start at $125 and include a credit toward image/product purchase. I offer an a'la Carte menu, as well as a Collections menu which gives you greater control over how much you spend or on what products you purchase. Collections are the most popular item on my menu as they include professional quality products we all deserve! My average client spends about $1200 per session depending on the products they choose. Some clients spend less, others more. For detailed pricing, set up an in person consultation.
  • Do you charge travel fees?
    I love doing sessions in a variety of places. I am available to travel to make your session unique to you! I do not charge travel fees for the immediate Yuba-Sutter Area. I service Yuba City, Live Oak, Sutter, Plumas Lake, Olivehurst, and Marysville. Anything beyond these locations are subject to a travel fee. My current rate is $3.00 per mile beyond the immediate Yuba Sutter Area.
  • Do you charge Sales Tax
    The State of California requires sales tax be collected on sessions if a tangible item is created. This includes digital images when burned to disk, usb drive or any print product. My images are created with the intent of creating a tangible product. Therefore I must collect sales tax.
  • What forms of payment do you accept?
    For book keeping purposes, all of my clients are invoiced via Paypal. You are NOT required to pay through Paypal. I accept Cash, Paypal, or Venmo. You do not need to set up a paypal account to pay your invoice with a credit or debit card.
  • What if I am late to my session?
    Please call me! 530-763-2575 as soon as possible. If you do not call me, I will wait for 15 minutes beyond your scheduled time. If you are not at the agreed upon location 15 minutes after your appointment time, your session will be cancelled and your session fee will NOT be refunded.
  • What happens if I need to reschedule or cancel?
    Things happen. It's understandable. I allow my clients to reschedule with a minimum of 24 hour notice, and up to 2 times without penalty. If a client fails to make a 3rd scheduled appointment, their session fee will be retained as compensation for my time. Cancellations and/or no-shows result forfeiture of the session fee as compensation for the lost work and inability to schedule someone else for that date and time.
  • Do you release the copyright on your images?
    No. I retain all copyrights, with the exception of a print release. Purchased digital images can be printed, but the copyright still belongs to Chantel Hunt Photograpy.
  • How long do you Save/Archive My Photos
    I archive purchased images for a minimum of 5 years. Unpurchased images are not archived.
  • Have you won any awards or been published?
    Yes! Although I am incredibly busy, I try to make time to stay competitive in my field. Locally, I have won multiple awards, including the Director's Award, and Best of Division for the Professional Category. On a larger scale, I have been featered multiple times in Senior Year Magazine, an International magazine which spotlights portrait photographers in the Senior/Graduate field of work. (I will update with links soon) I have also won awards through AFNS, an international competition for photographers.
  • Do you provide the wraps, props and backdrops for your sessions?"
    Yes I do! During your pre-session consultation we will plan the colors for your session. For newborns, we will plan wraps and props. I do not provide outfits for the family. Maternity Sessions and Mom's of newborns have full access to choose 1-2 gowns from my closet to wear during their sessions. Cake smash sessions are customized to the theme of your choice. I provide a customized set to coordinate with your chosen theme. Including a simple diaper cover, or outfit as well. *I do not provide cakes due to the liability if your child has an unknown food allergy.
  • Do you provide dresses or gowns for maternity sessions?
    Yes I do. You can find many of my gowns here I deliver my gowns to my clients homes so they can try them on before their session.
  • Do you offer Wedding Photography?
    I have done weddings, but at this time, I only offer them the close friends and family.
  • Do you offer styling services?
    During your consultation we will discuss the styling for your session. What to wear, coordinating colors & patterns. Choosing location, or backdrops. Hair and make up services are recommended and can be arranged as well.
  • I feel awkward in front of the camera.  Do you offer posing and guidance?
    Yes! Most clients do not know what to do with their hands, or how what way to tilt their head. I will coach you along the way making small adjustments until we get everything just right to create a great look that flatters you! pssst.... I too feel awkward in front of the camera. I'd much rather be behind it. ;-D
  • How much retouching do you do?
    I am a very skilled retoucher. I can do a lot, or just a little. Each client has their own set of requests, and each image needs it's own personal touch. We will discuss the level of retouching you wish to have at your ordering appointment. Certain higher levels of retouching may require additional fees. This will always be discussed prior to your order being placed.
  • Can you get rid of my double chin?
    During your session I will guide your posing to flatter your body. A double chin typically appears when your head is pulled away from the camera. A common response when people are uncomfortable. I will do my best to guide your head position in a way that will avoid creating the double chin effect. If I do get an image with a double chin, this can also be minimized with certain photoshop techniques. During your ordering appointment we will go over any concerns you have and can discuss in detail changes that can be made to an image.
  • The camera added 10 pounds...  Can you make me thinner?
    The camera doesn't always add 10 lbs. There are many things we can do to make you feel your best. The first line of defense is properly fitted clothing. Clothes that are too large will create bumps and rolls that should not be there. Clothing that is too large will not give you shape. So be sure clothes are properly fitted prior to your session. The next line of defense is my posing guidance. Proper posing will give you more shape and feel more confident and sexy. Finally I do have amazing photoshop abilities that can address any issues you may find. We will discuss any of these issues in your ordering appointment.
  • Can you remove my braces?
    Yes I can, but this is extensive and there is a fee associated with this level of retouching. I will quote this service upon request.
  • Do you remove acne and/or acne scars?
    Please do mention any concerns you have about this during your consultation. It will keep me aware of the issue so I can work to adjust my lighting to minimize the blemishes. Some lighting can emphasize skin blemishes. We will avoid this lighting set up if acne is an issue. Also at your ordering appointment you will see your unedited images. You can let me know the level of blemish removal you would like to have done. I can usually edit out 95-100% of blemishes while keeping a nice skin texture that does not look too soft or fake.
  • How long after my session do I get my images?
    I am so happy you are excited about your portrait session! A few days after your session, we will have a preview/ordering appointment. At this point we review the unedited images. At the preview appointment we will go over all the images, selecting the images you would like to purchase. We will go over each individual image and discuss any changes you would like to see. Sometimes you love the image but one person blinked. Things like this can usually be fixed with a simple head swap. This is part of the personalized retouching I offer. Once you have selected your favorite images, I will invoice you for the order and begin the edits. Edits typically take 2 weeks. At that point you get your online gallery (digital images) and you can let me know the images you want to use for the products in your order. Products take approx. 10-14 business days to arrive after the order is placed. Orders are shipped to my location so I may inspect them prior to final delivery. Once your products pass my inspection, I will make arrangements to deliver them to you!
  • How many images will I get?
    My session fee covers a fraction of my time and costs associated with creating your images. Session fees do not include any images. Images can be purchased from the a'la carte menu, or from the package menu. There is no minimum nor a maximum order. You can order 1 image or all of them.
  • Do you offer print products or digital images?
    I offer both professional grade, archival quality products as well as digital products. Digitals have their place on social media, and they make my clients feel safe. Clients want digital images just in case... Just in case their social media gets hacked, or just in case their prints get damaged. But what most clients REALLY want are beautiful portraits to hang on their walls. I love filling your house with images that make it feel warm, loving and happy! Some clients want just digitals because they think they will save money by not ordering professional products. But they are then stuck with sub-par pictures. Why make the investment on the work, if you don't create a quality display? There is a reason you can't get Louis Vuitton at Target..... The down side to buying only digital images, is they get lost. Techology changes, or sometimes it just fails. Believe me, I have had a hard drive fail a time or 2. Also many of my clients from the early years who received digital only products come back years later and tell me they never ordered the products. They just didn't have the time, or it was too overwhelming. They didn't know what size would work for their wall, or how to extend the background so the image fit properly on the canvas front. Or their non professional products faded over time. In the end they wished they had invested in the archival products and professional services that bring images to their full potential.
  • Can I get just the digital images?
    Yes. You can order digital only images from my a'la carte menu. Digital images are full resolution, and come with a print release. However there is no guarantee for print color and quality if you choose to print your images. *please note a print release is not a copyright release. Photographer retains full copyright on the image and it can not be sold, or used for commercial purposes.
  • Can I get the RAW/unedited images?
    This is not something I typically do. The camera only does a small fraction of the work that goes into a portrait session. More work is needed to perfect the image into a polished professional image.
  • Can I print or make copies of my pictures?
    If you have purchased a digital copy of your image, you can make printed copies of that image. Images not purchased will have a watermark on them. These images are not to be printed.
  • Can I share my images online?
    Yes, please do share. I ask my clients tag me and share my page so others will know who did the work, but it is not required.
  • How long do you keep my photos?  Are they Archived?
    I keep images a minimum of 6 months. After that there is no guarantee. If your images were lost or distroyed, please message me as I may still have them.
  • Are you taking COVID-19 precautions
    Absolutely! I would never purposely endanger my clients or their families! I wear a mask for all indoor sessions. Outdoor upon request. I sanitize all my props before and after each session, and wash my hands regularly. If I am unable to wash, I always have sanitizer on hand. Furthermore, if anyone in my household is showing any signs of illness, I will let my clients know and reschedule their session, even if I have no symptoms myself.
  • How often do you clean and sanitize your props and backdrops for newborns?
    Any item that touches a baby is sanitized after each session. Fabric backdrops are washed and dried. Other items are either wiped with sanitizing wipes, or sprayed with a disinfectant.
  • What if the photographer becomes ill or can't work?
    Sickness and accidents are inevitable from time to time. If I can not work for any reason, I will contact you as soon as possible to reschedule your session. In the event of a time sensitive event like a newborn session, client and photographer may agree to cancel the session so the client may seek work with another photographer. In this case, I have a few recommendations I will offer.

Ready to schedule your complimentary consultation?  Click Here!

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